Thursday, July 27, 2017

Voice of Bold Business Radio Interview on Cities for CEDAW! You GOTTA READ THIS!!

Cities for CEDAW Interview with UNA BC and BPW Colorado

Check out this wonderful interview Jessica Dewell did with United Nations Association of Boulder County and Business and Professional Women of Colorado recently! If you don't know about Cities for CEDAW please listen and go to to see what we have done in one year here in this state!

We are excited! Join us and we'll show you a great time!
Sharon Simmons
President of BPW Boulder
VP of BPW Colorado Advocacy
Cities for CEDAW Task Force

Monday, July 10, 2017

BPW Boulder is recognized as a CWEF Named Scholarship Sponsor

Karen McGee, President CWEF
& Sharon Simmons, President BPW Boulder
Colorado Women’s Education Foundation (CWEF) started because past BPW presidents and board members decided there was more to be done, more to elevate women by supporting their efforts to increase their education regardless of their age. Education is at the center of the BPW mission: to build full participation, equity and economic self-sufficiency for all women. Part of BPW’s dues is allocated to CWEF, but your chapter can do more. Another way to help is to hold a fundraising event specifically to support CWEF’s scholarships for women.

We have a choice of what actions we take, including which organizations we support with time and energy, as well as with our pocketbooks.

Boulder Commits To Donation from Celebration of Women.

The Celebration of Women team for Boulder’s chapter made a bold promise this year: donate 34% of all proceeds of the 2017 event to CWEF.

Reshaping how we think about supporting the efforts of others in our daily lives may seem insignificant, yet it’s not. Take BPW Boulder. They wanted to make a big difference and to support women in achieving their educational goals in becoming more economically self-sufficient for themselves and their families.

Boulder didn’t know if they’d make $1of profit or $1,000 of profit. But they intentionally choose to make a commitment to donate funds to CWEF. This powerful choice displays their action on the BPW mission. It shows their chapter members that being part of something larger matters. Together, they worked to raise women up.

Boulder’s 2017 Celebration of Women event raised $600 for CWEF.

You may not know this, but a contribution (one time or through continuous giving) of $1,000 enables a person or entity to be recognized on CWEF’s website and in annual reports as a Lifetime Scholarship Sponsor. BPW Boulder recognized the impact of this contribution as a marketing tool for their chapter. The board decided to donate an additional $400 to CWEF this year to reach the goal of supporting a named scholarship of $1,000. With additional donations, BPW Boulder will reach the next level and become a named scholarship sponsor of $3,000.  

CWEF is pleased to share BPW Boulder’s commitment to help the women applying for 2017 scholarships. Check out the listing of BPW Boulder’s named scholarship at You might also want to browse the entire website to learn about the many ways to contribute and read the inspiring success stories there.  

Karen McGee, President CWEF
& Sharon Simmons, President BPW Boulder
BPW Colorado President and CWEF Board of Trustees’ Treasurer, Deb Fischer, has this to share about CWEF and what chapters can do to help other women. "CWEF was founded by passionate BPW members, as a sister nonprofit organization, in an effort to provide the gift of education to empower women to support themselves and their families. Forty years later, CWEF is even more important in assisting women to achieve their career goals and in many cases, financial independence. I challenge each chapter to step up and organize a scholarship fundraiser on behalf of CWEF. The trustees and recipients will be available and excited to assist!"

Let’s get every Colorado chapter listed on CWEF’s website.  Support the BPW mission. Support your local women. Take intentional action.

Together we can help CWEF reach the challenging goal to increase its endowment to $2 million by 2022 so the scholarship program will be self-sustaining.

How to contact CWEF: or

Submitted by Jessica Dewell and Karen McGee